Why Columbia Business School Has The Best MBA Follies

MBAOver30So…I’m sitting at the computer while taking a break from some freelance writing work. I’m watching this clip on YouTube that always makes me laugh so hard that I fart when my my phone starts beeping and my email notices from Facebook start blowing up.

Apparently, just as I was laughing and in tears to a the 3rd replay of Sweet Brown’s infamous “Aint Nobody Got Time Fo Dat” speech in a row, my R2 classmates at Wharton were getting a good laugh at my expense during R2 Welcome Weekend; and the kinder of them were notifying a brother via text and Facebook message that he was on blast.

The reason they got jokes? About two months ago, I published a follow-up post to my own admit weekend experience just prior to announcing my final decision to attend Wharton over MIT and Chicago Booth.

In it, I talked at great length about being impressed by Wharton, Center City (the neighborhood just east off UPenn across the river where everyone lives), its staff, its students, and of course, my class mates.

I also mentioned that I had a great time at the follies show, though I maintained that CBS had the best follies program in MBA land.

The comedian–a fellow Wharonite–didn’t agree so much, and I ended up being the butt of a few follies jokes and jabs. Eh, all in good fun, I say. And in case it wasn’t in “all in good fun” (which I’m certain it was), there would be no need to be sore about it; I mean, I wasn’t even interested in going to CBS (great school, BTW, just not my brand of whiskey).

When it comes to follies, however, they just kill the game.  I have no clue what their formula is, but they’ve got it down. And its not that I haven’t seen enough follies from other schools. Watching these silly things was a past time of mine between writing those tortuous MBA application essays last fall.

If you wonder what makes me such an evangelist about these,  just look at a few of my favs and you be the judge:

MBAOver30′s List of Funniest CBS Follies (minus a few I didn’t feel like posting):

Really though, I bust out laughing just thinking about some of those skits.

For the record, I enjoy Wharton’s follies too, especially the Miss MBA pageant (that I wish they’d put online), the one where Joseph Wharton (the founder) joins Facebook and the IKEA skit (though I disagree with the Booth bit. I don’t see anyone living in downtown Chicago committing suicide–it’s God’s Country).

So if anyone from Wharton is miffed about my fanship of CBS’ follies–chill. I still think that Wharton is better at everything else :p I’m just saying, Columbia has this follies thing down to science.  I mean, its all in good fun…right? I’m sayin tho’…

MBAOver30 offers the perspective of a 30-something, California-based entrepreneur who is applied to Harvard, Stanford, Wharton, Chicago, and MIT Sloan. He has been offered admission into Class of 2015 from Wharton, Chicago and MIT Sloan. He blogs at MBAOver30.com. Previous posts on Poets&Quants:

How I Totally Overestimated The MBA Admissions Process

Musings on MBA Failophobia

Letting Go Of An MBA Safety School

When A Campus Visit Turns Off An MBA Applicant

Yale, Tuck and Booth: The Next Leg of My Pre- MBA Research

 My Countdown: Less Than 30 Days To The GMAT

From Suits To Startups: Why MBA Programs Are Changing

Why I’m Not Getting Either A Part-Time MBA or An Executive MBA

Preparing To Sit For The GMAT Exam

Falls Short of GMAT Goal, But The 700 Is A Big Improvement

A 2012-2013 MBA Application Strategy

Celebrating A 35th Birthday & Still Wanting A Full-Time MBA

A Tuck Coffee Chat Leaves Our Guest Blogger A Believer

Heading Into the August Cave: Getting Those Round One Apps Done 

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The Differences Between Harvard & Stanford Info Sessions

My MIT Sloan Info Session in California 

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On Age Discrimination in MBA Admissions & Rookie Hype

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