America’s Funniest MBA Videos

7) B-School Infomercial / Wharton School of Business

His name is Hubert Delancy IV. They call him the best salesman of his generation. But now he faces the ultimate test: Persuading 850 people to give up two years of salary, risk their stable relationships, and pay $200,000 each for the privilege of attending an Ivy League MBA program. Can he do it?

Would you believe the answer is ‘Yes?’

It has come to that. An MBA’s value has declined so much that even students believe it commands a 5:00 a.m. slot on cable. You almost expect a knife sharpener or an egg beater to come with it (but only if you act now). You’ll know the degree has hit rock bottom when schools start using telemarketing (and upsell a frame for your diploma).

Best Line (Tie): “Learn management skills from professors who’ve never managed anyone.”

“Why slave away when you can MBA?”