MBAs With The Highest First-Year ROI

One Liners:

Why the World Needs More MBAs

Source: Bloomberg Businessweek

A MOOC Point

Source: Financial Times

Why MBAs Still Matter in the Start Up World


How Adcoms Evaluate Your GPA

Source: Accepted

3 Tips for Surviving Your Formal Interview

Source: Beat the GMAT

Advice for First Year Students

Source: Exchange Magazine

What My MBA At Harvard Didn’t Teach Me

Source: Linkedin

London Business School Courts North American Women

Source: Bloomberg Businessweek

Six Essentials of a Top MBA Program

Source: Bostinno

The Financial Times’ Executive MBA Q&A

Source: Financial Times

Who Should Write Your Letters of Recommendation?

Source: Beat the GMAT

Getting Your MBA in the Middle of Nowhere


Robust Job Market Welcomes Vanderbilt Owen Grads

Source: Vanderbilt University (Owen)

Where Are Ross Grads? A Social Media Experiment

Source: Bloomberg Businessweek

University of Louisville Appoints Interim Business School Dean

Source: Louisville Business Journal

Washington State to Name Business School After Boeing Executive

Source: Seattle Business Journal

MBA Humor

Sales manager addressing an underperforming sales force at the start of a new month:

“We are going to have a sales contest this month. The winners will get to enter next month’s contest.”

Source: Senator Club


Tweets of the Week:

Alex ‏@Th33b3s 

Got accepted to business school! 🙂 so happy, and I’m so grateful to all the people who’ve supported me over the years. I owe it all to you

Indigo the GrioT ‏@catalytic92 

I wish Business school consisted of semester-long Monopoly sessions.