Best Free MOOCs In Business In May

Here are some additional courses starting in May that may interest you (To learn more about the courses or register for them, click on the link):

Business Strategies for Emerging Markets / May 1 / Higher School of Economics

The Hidden Value – Lean in Manufacturing and Services / May 1 / École des Ponts ParisTech and BCG

Ethical Social Media / May 1 / University of Sydney

Healthcare Innovation and Entrepreneurship / May 1 / Duke University

Finance For Everyone: Value / May 1 / Mcmaster University

Financial Programming and Policies, Part 1: Macroeconomic Accounts & Analysis / May 10 / International Monetary Fund

Introduction to Investments / May 4 / IIM Bangalore

Digital Branding and Engagement / May 1 / Curtin University

How to Design a Successful Business Model / May 1 / Delft University

Communicating and Understanding Scientific Research / May 5 / University of Michigan