Double Admits: How To Get Into Harvard & Stanford

Interested in Tech? Read This.

Traditionally, the MBA was synonymous with industries like consulting and finance.

While it still is relevant in those industries, other fields such as tech are vying for MBA grads to bring finance and management chops to their business.

Seb Murray, of Find MBA, recently spoke to a few experts on why the MBA is in such hot demand for tech firms.

“We’ve observed a trend, away from traditional MBA recruiting industries like consulting and investment banking towards technology firms, both large and small,” Sarah Rumbaugh, CEO of Relish, tells Find MBA.


What exactly do tech companies see in MBAs?

“MBAs offer the skillsets to ensure the fundamentals are sound, such as finance,” Jean Ann Schulte, director of recruiting and employer relations at MIT Sloan School of Management, tells Find MBA. “They provide reassurance that a strong management team, with deep professional networks, backs the founders’ pitch deck.”

Specifically, MBAs may be fit for roles at tech companies in strategy, business development, and corporate development.

“They use their expertise in product management, product marketing, and corporate marketing,” according to MBA Crystal Ball. “They also work closely with finance, operations, supply chair and procurement, and sales, and HR. That’s already more than a dash.”


If you’re an MBA looking to get in tech, you’ll need to take note of a few skills that tech firms search for in MBA grads.

“Not all MBAs are equally well-suited to work in a startup. Ideally, they can speak the technical language of the founders’ vision,” Shulte tells Find MBA.

Moreover, not all startups necessarily need an MBA.

“It’s not obvious that the skillsets, frameworks and case studies in the classroom will translate to a dynamic and practical young company,” Sean Sullivan, an MIT Sloan MBA candidate, tells Find MBA.

MBA grads will also need to be cognizant of the timeline of when startups hire.

“Startups usually do ‘just in time’ hiring and typically don’t know what types of internships, projects or jobs they will have until spring,” Doug Massa, a corporate relationship manager at UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business, tells Find MBA.

Sources: Find MBA, MBA Crystal Ball.

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