GMAT Vs. GRE: Which Schools Prefer Which Test — And Which (Still) Don’t Require Any

new GMAT


Test waivers are still offered by a handful of B-schools but they may be getting harder to acquire. Here’s how some of the top-ranked B-schools to offer waivers couch their language:

  • No. 7 Cornell Johnson Graduate School of Management: “Cornell Johnson is offering candidates of the Full-Time MBA 2023-2024 application cycle the ability to request a GMAT/GRE test waiver, without negative bias.”
  • No. 9 Michigan Ross School of Business: “Some candidates may be able to adequately demonstrate their readiness for the rigor of the program without the need to submit a test score. Instead, you must submit an essay that supports your case and provides alternative evidence of your readiness. Please note that you will either submit your application with test scores or with the Statement of Academic Readiness, no separate application or pre-approval is required for the Statement of Academic Readiness. We will look closely at your academic and professional accomplishments, including but not limited to: Master’s degree in an analytical or quantitative discipline; CPA, CFA, or international equivalent; undergraduate or graduate record, especially in analytical or quantitative courses; post-undergraduate, full-time work experience in an analytical or quantitative function; performance on the Executive Assessment.”
  • No. 14 MIT Sloan School of Management: “Standardized tests, specifically the GMAT and GRE are a critical component of the application process and play an important role in our holistic evaluation process. The MIT Sloan Admissions Committee expects that you will submit a GMAT or GRE score to be reviewed as part of your application. Both the remote and in-person versions of these exams are accepted with no preference. If your current situation prevents you from being able to submit a test score, you may request a test waiver explaining the situation; the Admissions Committee will take your request under advisement and let you know if the waiver has been approved. If the waiver is approved, and you are admitted, the Admissions Committee reserves the right to offer conditional admission such as, but not limited to, receiving a certain score on the GMAT or GRE or taking a supplemental class.

And at the two top-25 B-schools that flatly do not require a test to apply:

  • No. 13 UCLA Anderson School of Management: “While test scores provide an additional, relevant data point for the admissions committee to consider, a test score is not required. Applicants are given the option to apply for the Full-Time MBA program without submitting a GMAT, GRE, or EA.”
  • No. 17 Washington Foster: “All MBA applicants are encouraged to take the Graduate Management Admissions Test, GMAT Focus Edition or the Graduate Record Exam. Applicants also have the option to apply ‘Test Optional’ to the Full-time MBA Program without a standardized test score.” Foster’s addendum on applying “Test Optional”: “All applicants who choose to apply Test Optional agree to complete the ‘Test Optional Summary of Qualifications’ in the application questions section of the online application. Applicants will submit a response to these questions in lieu of submitting a GMAT, GMAT Focus Edition or GRE score. If you select ‘yes’ to applying without test scores, you are required to answer this short answer prompt: Please detail the specific evidence in your academic and/or professional experience that supports your analytical and quantitative preparedness for success in the program. (150 words maximum).”

Even schools that say they require a test score for admission will sometimes grant exceptions to highly qualified applicants. For example, Rutgers, which switched in 2023 to requiring test scores from not requiring them in 2022, tells U.S. News that “exceptions to the test requirement may be considered on a case-by-case basis, and test waivers will be selectively granted.” Many schools “use a holistic approach to evaluate each candidate,” like Wisconsin School of Business, where “Our admissions team examines the applicant’s passion for their selected area of specialization, academic success, leadership potential and long-term career goals. Additionally, we consider letters of recommendation, work experience, community service and volunteer work, undergraduate academics, standardized test scores, essay responses, and a candidate interview.”

Among the many schools taking a “holistic approach” to admissions is NYU Stern School of Business, which is in the P&Q 2024 top 10: “Stern’s admissions process is holistic and highly selective. Each candidate is evaluated on academic profile, professional achievements and aspirations, and alignment with Stern core values. The Admissions Committee assesses candidates on criteria including: essays, EQ endorsements, academic performance, leadership and interpersonal skills, and interviews.”

And UC-Berkeley Haas, in the P&Q top 20: “The program’s admissions team takes a holistic approach to understanding all aspects of a candidate’s character, qualifications, and experiences and considers achievements within the context of the opportunities available to the candidate. The team also takes into account the hardships or unusual life experiences some of the applicants may have faced and considers the maturity, perseverance, and thoughtfulness with which they have responded to overcome them.”


2024 P&Q Rank School % GMAT 2023 % GMAT 2022 YOY GMAT Change % GRE 2023 % GRE 2022 YOY GRE Change Tests Required?*
1 Stanford GSB 61% 67% -6 39% 33% +6 Yes
2 Harvard Business School 69% 74% -5 34% 30% +4 Yes
3 Dartmouth (Tuck) 61% 68% -7 42% 38% +4 Yes
4 Columbia Business School 53% 55% -2 26% 26% Even Yes
5 Yale SOM 62% 58% +4 37% 39% -2 Yes
6 Duke (Fuqua) 34% 46% -12 37% 36% +1 Yes
7 Cornell (Johnson) 42% 50% -8 16% 22% -6 Waiver can be requested
8 Virginia (Darden) 35% 40% -5 34% 36% -2 Yes
9 Michigan (Ross) 38% 43% -5 36% 30% +6 Waiver can be requested
10 New York (Stern) 45% 49% -5 22% 21% +1 Yes
11 Chicago (Booth) 63% 73% -10 32% N/A NA Yes
12 Northwestern (Kellogg) 67% 76% -9 29% N/A NA Yes
13 UCLA (Anderson) 65% 77% -12 32% 22% +10 No
14 MIT (Sloan) 54% 54% Even 34% 32% +2 Waiver can be requested
15 UC-Berkeley (Haas) 46% 49% -3 53% 45% +8 Yes
16 Carnegie Mellon (Tepper) 40% 69% -29 24% 17% +7 Yes
17 Washington (Foster) 39% 64% -25 32% 9% +23 No
18 Rice (Jones) 20% 39% -19 31% 7% +24 Waiver can be requested
19 Texas-Austin (McCombs) 34% 44% -10 30% 40% -10 Waiver can be requested
20 North Carolina (Kenan-Flagler) 28% 29% -1 23% 19% +4 Yes
21 Vanderbilt (Owen) 36% 47% -11 23% 22% +1 Waiver can be requested
22 Southern California (Marshall) 36% 42% -6 33% 33% Even Yes
23 Emory (Goizueta) 28% 50% -22 24% N/A NA Yes
24 Georgetown (McDonough) 34% 39% -5 37% 49% -12 Yes
25 Florida (Warrington) 72% 54% +18 6% 46% -40 Yes
26 Rochester (Simon) 21% 39% -18 27% 16% +11 No
27 Georgia Institute of Technology (Scheller) 30% 37% -7 30% 26% +4 No
28 Washington (Olin) 20% 30% -10 27% 47% -20 Yes
29 Georgia (Terry) 29% 29% Even 32% 38% -6 Yes
30 Notre Dame (Mendoza) 34% 48% -14 27% 16% +11 Yes
31 Pennsylvania (Wharton) 67% 71% -4 37% 30% +7 Yes
32 Brigham Young (Marriott) 47% 39% +8 8% N/A NA Yes
33 Texas-Dallas (Jindal) 28% 33% -5 41% 44% -3 Yes
34 William & Mary (Mason) 10% 14% -4 13% 15% -2 No
35 Arizona State (Carey) 27% 44% -17 30% 37% -7 Waiver can be requested
36 Boston (Carroll) 33% NA NA 20% NA NA Yes
37 Indiana (Kelley) 42% 50% -8 13% 20% -7 Yes
38 Michigan State (Broad) 19% 32% -13 14% 5% +9 No
39 Maryland (Smith) 25% 24% +1 16% 18% -2 No
40 UC-Irvine (Merage) 33% 24% +9 6% 29% -23 Yes
41 Boston University (Questrom) 27% 17% +10 28% 18% +10 Yes
42 George Washington 10% 25% -15 12% 23% -11 No
43 Texas A&M (Mays) 26% 33% -7 39% 39% Even Yes
44 Minnesota (Carlson) 36% 33% +3 11% 15% -4 Yes
45 UC-Davis 27% NA NA 22% NA NA Yes
46 Southern Methodist (Cox) 28% 26% +2 22% 23% -1 No
47 Northeastern (D’Amore-McKim) 4% NA NA 7% NA NA Yes
48 Babson (Olin) 18% NA NA 11% NA NA Yes
49 Rutgers Business School 35% 59% -24 15% 6% +9 Yes
50 Ohio State (Fisher) 18% 36% -18 33% 23% +10 Yes
52 Pittsburgh (Katz) 30% 54% -24 25% 23% +2 No
53 Wisconsin 35% 42% -7 15% 21% -6 Waiver can be requested
55 Utah (Eccles) 17% 27% -10 24% 38% -14 Yes
59 Penn State (Smeal) NA 27% NA NA 22% NA Yes
*Change from previous year in bold
Source: U.S. News & World Report and school websites

Next page: GRE submission rates at the top 54 U.S. B-schools for the last seven years.