
Mr. Army Pilot

About Me:

I am an Army Aviation Captain looking to transition into consulting post-MBA. I have planned and executed numerous operations with European and SE Asian militaries. I have personally led diverse teams from 7-20x Soldiers all over the world. I know I am fighting an uphill battle with my low test score and GPA.


Target School: Yale

Considering: McCombs School of Business, Rice Business

See More Profiles For: Yale

Application Status: Open


Undergrad School: United States Military Academy at West Point

Undergrad Major: Management

GPA: 2.90

GMAT: 650

Age: 30,  Ethnicity: White


Work History:

Title: Operations Manager

Industry: Government / Military

Company: Army

Length of Employment: 7 yrs

Big Life Wins:

Named Brigade Officer of the Year (#1 of 100 junior officers). Personally coordinated with US Embassy in E. Europe and a European Air Force to develop new high altitude landing zones in European Alps for training. Planned, led, and executed numerous aviation training events with US and foreign Special Operations Forces in Europe and Asia. Hand-selected to represent an infantry brigade in Asia for the planning of a major exercise. Directly communicated, planned, and solved problems with foreign military officers.

Post MBA Goal:

I want to transition into consulting after my MBA. I look forward to continuing to learn about the business world and continue to solve problems while in that career field. I want to use consulting as a continuation of my MBA. This will allow me to see how different firms operate/solve problems which will make me a better business leader and will prepare me to lead larger teams. Long term I want to lead diverse teams on a global scale.


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The Experts Rate The Odds At: 12%

See what the industry experts have to say:

  • mbaMission Odds Assessment: 15%

    Hi Mr. Army Pilot,
    Thanks for posting your profile. This is Debbie Choy, Senior Consultant at mbaMission. I like that you have an impressive global experience, operations / logistics background, as well as the leadership credentials that business schools love. That said, I agree with you that your GPA and GMAT scores are a concern, especially for a school like Yale, where the average GMAT score is around 720. One option to consider is to switch to the GRE – some candidates do better at the GRE than the GMAT, and business schools accept both tests. Another option is to take some graded online Math classes that can help you build an “alternative transcript” to show the Admissions Committee (AdCom) your academic capabilities, as well as …

    5 years ago Read the full review
  • Stratus Admissions Counseling Odds Assessment: 10%

    Mr. Army Pilot – Thanks for posting your profile and thanks for your service. Susan Cera here from Stratus.

    You are right that you will be facing an uphill battle with your stats. Assuming that you are applying in the upcoming admissions cycle, I would suggest two things: 1) Retake the GMAT or switch to the GRE and see if that test yields a better result for you, and 2) take a math course that will offer adcom a glimpse at the student you are today rather than the one you were a decade ago.

    Your work experience and global exposure is impressive! You might reconsider your post-MBA goals to make the most of the skills and knowledge that you have developed throughout your career. Perhaps …

    5 years ago Read the full review

The Community Currently Rates The Odds At: 19%

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