
Mr. Aviator

About Me:

International applicant from Belgium. Project lead for one of the biggest names in the live entertainment industry (think AEG, Eventim). Created new revenue source (€50k yearly). Previous experience in data analytics. M.Sc. Management Information Systems (magna cum laude – 84/100). A dissertation about my biggest passion, aviation, attracted industrywide interest.


See More Profiles For: Cornell Johnson

Application Status: Open


Undergrad School: University of Antwerp

Undergrad Major: Business

GPA: 74/100 (Cum Laude)

GMAT: 710

Age: 23,  Ethnicity: White

Other Degree/Certification: M.Sc. Business Engineering – Management Information Systems

School Name: University of Antwerp

Extracurriculars: Launched initiative to disrupt and improve professional pilot training that attracted interest by several Fortune 500 companies (startup failed), Led a team of 20 students during a 6-month technology consulting project for one of Europe's largest insurers.

Work History:

Title: Data Analyst

Industry: Live Entertainment

Company: Fortune 500

Length of Employment: 2 yrs, 5 mos

Title: Project Manager

Industry: Live Entertainment

Company: Fortune 500

Length of Employment: 4 mos

Big Life Wins:

I obtained my private pilot license at the age of 18. I worked part-time as a data analyst for a Fortune 500 company while being a full-time M.Sc. student. Ended up among the top students of my class with the second-highest scoring master dissertation.

Post MBA Goal:

Option A: Stay in the U.S., leverage the MBA entrepreneur community to build a startup in retail, technology, marketing, or aviation space. Option B: Management role at current employer’s U.S. headquarters. Option C: Academia in the U.S.


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The Experts Rate The Odds At: 45%

See what the industry experts have to say:

  • mbaMission Odds Assessment: 45%

    Hi – it’s Nisha from mbaMission!. You’ve got such an intriguing profile, with your professional experience in the live entertainment industry and your passion for aviation (which reminded me of a client I had a couple of years ago who owned a flight school). It sounds like the biggest thing ahead of you is to do some reflection on your career goals – which path would leave you most fulfilled professionally and personally? I should note that I generally always advise applicants to consider entrepreneurship as a long-term goal – business schools are aware of the difficulty of starting a business immediately upon graduation. So, you may consider a management role at your company’s U.S. headquarters are your post-MBA goal, while you lay the …

    4 years ago Read the full review
  • Stratus Admissions Counseling Odds Assessment: 45%

    Hi Mr. Aviator, This is Donna Bauman with Stratus Admissions and I want to congratulate you on having such an interesting background. Becoming a pilot at age 18 is certainly impressive and your initiative to disrupt and improve professional pilot training sounds most interesting indeed. You have several viable paths you could follow—one thing that our introspection process does is to help you think through more of the pros and cons of each option and then build a school list that makes the most sense for your desired option. It seems that aviation is your true passion so if I were working with you I would ask you a lot more questions about what you love about aviation and what other plans you have to …

    4 years ago Read the full review

  • Good school choice

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