
Mr. Biomedical Engineer

About Me:

Hi guys!! I am an Indian male with 3 yrs of work experience in healthcare as a biomedical engineer. I also run an NGO which provides education and healthcare to people. My GPA is 7/10 which is almost 3.0. I have 4 research papers that I have published. I have a GRE score of 329 V-159 and Q-170.


See More Profiles For: Chicago Booth

Application Status: Open


Undergrad School: SRM University

Undergrad Major: Biomedical Engineering

GPA: 3

GRE: 329

Age: 25,  Ethnicity: Asian or Indian

Extracurriculars: I run an NGO which focusses on healthcare and education for children in rural areas. | I also started a diagnostic lab as a source of secondary income.

Work History:

Title: Biomedical Engineer

Industry: Healthcare

Company: Other

Length of Employment: 3 yrs, 3 mos

Big Life Wins:

– I was the head of my student organization back in college.
– I won a prize for one of my research papers.
– I run my own NGO and have helped around 50 families.
– I have run a very successful business (diagnostic lab).

Post MBA Goal:

I feel very restricted in my current field, and I want to shift my career from healthcare. An MBA will help me make a career transition from healthcare to consulting.


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