
Mr. Techie Who Likes To Cook

About Me:

Hello! I am an international student from Asia currently based in Boston. I moved to the US originally for my undergrad. Post undergrad, I got the opportunity to work at an ecommerce startup in Boston. Outside of work, I am now a passionate runner. I also like to cook and blog about my food adventures online.


Target School: MIT Sloan

Considering: NYU Stern, Tuck

See More Profiles For: MIT Sloan

Application Status: Rejected


Undergrad School: CC

Undergrad Major: Computer Science

GPA: 3.926

GRE: 317

Age: 25,  Ethnicity: Asian or Indian

Other Degree/Certification: Bachelor of Arts

School Name: Connecticut College

Extracurriculars: Residential Assistant at CC (Lead a team of 3 RAs my junior and senior year of college) | Teaching Assistant at CC (Tutored 100, 200, 300 levels classes my sophomore, junior and senior year of school) | Local run club host: Started a local run club and regularly host event in community. Ran 5+ official road races this year (1 marathon, 1 half marathon, 1 - 10k, 2 - 5k)

Work History:

Title: Software Engineer

Industry: Engineering

Company: Start-Up

Length of Employment: 2 yrs, 6 mos

Title: Software Engineer Intern

Industry: Engineering

Company: Start-Up

Length of Employment: 1 yr, 1 mos

Big Life Wins:

– Led engineering efforts for automating ads processes at my current startup that resulted in $1 million in annual profit gains.
– Led engineering efforts to improve our supply chain processes that reduced order to ship times from 180 to 70 days. ($200k of annual impact).
– Automated processes at my previous internship ($50k annual impact).

Post MBA Goal:

Short term goals: Transition to Product Management
Long term goals: Work in technology specific leadership roles in startups. Eventually plan to work venture back in my home country.


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