
Mr. UK Trader

About Me:

Bond trader based in London, looking to transition to a hedge fund/asset manager focussed on new forms of investing e.g. frontier markets/behavioural investing and/or new asset classes e.g. crypto. Accomplished rugby player throughout school and college, political science undergrad (exchange in Canada) and governor of a primary school in the UK.


Target School: Harvard

Considering: StanfordĀ GSB, Wharton

See More Profiles For: Harvard

Application Status: Open


Undergrad School: University of Bristol

Undergrad Major: Political Science

GPA: First Class Honours (UK based)

GMAT: 720

Age: 25,  Ethnicity: White

Extracurriculars: Vice-chair of governing board of a large primary school, in a disadvantaged area of the UK, Head of the finance society at college

Work History:

Title: Trader

Industry: Banking & Finance

Company: Global

Length of Employment: 4 yrs

Big Life Wins:

Started in a very difficult team at work, not given opportunities. Overcame this situation; was briefly placed in charge of my team after reshuffle (rare for someone my level) and now top-ranked in my class – up for early promotion. Finished top 6 in my year group at undergraduate (out of around 190 students); granted departmental award. Appointed vice-chair of the governing board at a primary school in a disadvantaged area of the UK.

Post MBA Goal:

Want to join an alternative asset manager, specialising in investing in emerging economies and/or utilising new ideas about investing e.g. behavioural. Eventually would like to set up and lead my own fund that specialises in non-traditional and emerging forms of investing, not just traditional asset management.


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The Experts Rate The Odds At: 15%

See what the industry experts have to say:

  • John A. Byrne, P&Q Founder & Editor-In-Chief | Odds Assessment: 15%

    My gut tells me you may be aiming a bit high with Harvard as your first choice school. You are coming from a non-feeder undergraduate institution with a GMAT that is ten points below the class median from an employer, that as far as I can tell, is also a non-feeder. I have no doubt that you are more than qualified to go to HBS and succeed. It’s just that you will be competing in a large pool of white male finance types who graduated from better universities, have higher GMATs and work for Goldman, Morgan Stanley, JP Morgan, and Blackstone. Wharton, Columbia, Chicago Booth are more likely suspects for you.

    4 years ago

The Community Currently Rates The Odds At: 25%

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  • 70% | 4 years ago

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  • 10% | 4 years ago

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