
Mr. Wrestling PM

About Me:

In my current role, I am responsible for a $90 million portfolio. I develop the strategy for the new product funnel and improve current product performance in the market. I am continuously gathering feedback from end users to implement features into new and innovative products and oversee the projects bringing those products to market.


Target School: Kellogg SOM

Considering: MIT Sloan, Ross

See More Profiles For: Kellogg SOM

Application Status: Open


Undergrad School: Michigan State University

Undergrad Major: Mechanical Engineer

GPA: 3.38

GMAT: 750

Age: 27,  Ethnicity: White

Extracurriculars: High School Wrestling Coach | Men's chorus and a cappella groups | Woodworking

Work History:

Title: Product Manager

Industry: Tools and Equipment

Company: Mid Sized (500 employees)

Length of Employment: 1 yr, 9 mos

Title: Design Engineer

Industry: Automotive

Company: Fortune 500

Length of Employment: 3 yrs, 1 mos

Big Life Wins:

– Performing in a 10,000-person arena
– Releasing my first successful product to market

Post MBA Goal:

My goal would be to transition into product management in the technology industry with the ultimate goal of becoming a Chief Product Officer. My ideal company be at the crossroads of software and hardware and would utilize AI and sustainable design techniques in creating products from the ground up.


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  • 50% | 2 years ago

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