
Ms. IB Deferred

About Me:

I’m a current college senior looking to apply Round 3/Deferred to Harvard, Stanford, and Wharton. I will be entering the finance industry upon graduation and have plans to move from IB to PE.


Target School: Harvard

Considering: Stanford GSB, Wharton

See More Profiles For: Harvard

Application Status: Open


Undergrad School: Public Ivy

Undergrad Major: Business and Mathematics (dual)

GPA: 3.73

GMAT: 730

Age: 21,  Ethnicity: Asian or Indian

Extracurriculars: Head TA of a few courses, President of on-campus business club

Work History:

Title: Investment Banking Analyst at Bulge Bracket (GS/MS/JPM)

Industry: Banking & Finance

Company: Top Firm

Length of Employment:

Big Life Wins:

It was a long journey for me to learn to become a leader, and I plan on writing my application on the process.

Post MBA Goal:

After two years in PE, I’d like to obtain my MBA and pivot into a more meaningful sector (technology, impact investing, healthcare, etc.). One of my goals is to become a female business leader and break the glass ceiling for other females to follow.


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The Experts Rate The Odds At: 50%

See what the industry experts have to say:

  • John A. Byrne, P&Q Founder & Editor-In-Chief | Odds Assessment: 50%

    You clearly are in the pocket for a 2+2 admission. You’re at the right school. You have performed well there in a STEM field and you have HBS’ median 730 GMAT score. You also have interned (and may possibly have a full-time job already set up) at a highly selective bulge bracket bank. And you are a woman with an admirable goal to pave the way for others in a field dominated by men. What is there not to like about that? Unless you give HBS a reason not to accept you (in other words, you poorly executed on the application or you get an interview and flunk it), you are sitting pretty.

    5 years ago
  • mbaMission Odds Assessment: 50%

    Hi Ms. IB Deferred! This is Kate Richardson, Senior Admissions Consultant here. Hope your final semester is going well despite all the disruptions right now. There is a lot to like in your profile — great school, great GPA especially with the dual major and heavy quant focus, and a great GMAT too. You are right in line with Harvard’s 3.7 / 730 averages. With an internship and presumably full time offer at a bulge bracket bank, those programs will have confidence in your future career prospects. You also seem to have strong on-campus leadership. A track record of leadership, even if it took you some time to find the right style, is a trait of all the successful deferred applicants I have seen. I …

    5 years ago Read the full review

The Community Currently Rates The Odds At: 50%

  • 50% | 5 years ago

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