Dee Leopold’s Harvard B-School Webinar Slides

Leopold: “The written application. We’ll call that “Introduce Yourself.” These are the components: transcripts from undergraduate or graduate work, your GMAT or GRE score—we are indifferent between those tests. Here’s my line: I think that each of the tests are adequate indicators of what standardized tests can tell. For those of you who have not gone to an English-speaking undergraduate institution, these are the three tests that we will accept (shows on the slide).

“The next is your resume.

“Essays. Duly noted that we’ve made a change here; there are no longer four, there are no longer eight there are no longer six. There are two.

“You need three recommendations, for the 2+2 program there are only two, and there are very clear questions that our recommenders are asked. These are not just generic letters. Again, it’s easy to find out the questions.

“And a $250 application fee. $100 for 2+2. We do not do fee waivers. We have generous need-based financial aid, but everyone needs to pay the application fee.”