Should You Wait For The Perfect Job? by: Jeff Schmitt on April 04, 2014 | 6,057 Views April 4, 2014 Copy Link Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Email Share on LinkedIn Share on WhatsApp Share on Reddit Blast from the Past: The Secrets of MBA Admissions “Getting into business school is a dramatically different ball game than getting into med or law school, which is often just a numbers game (you either have the grades and test scores or you don’t).” That’s what makes getting into business school so difficult, according to Evan Foster and David Thomas, authors of MBA Reality Check. In their experience, every school evaluates candidates differently. For some, it is actually about comparing candidates by GPAs and GMATs. Others focus on track records and life experience. And some are seeking that special something that makes an applicable “remarkable.” Many rejected candidates are good enough to get into their chosen school, on paper at least. But somehow they fall short. So what sets candidates apart? What questions are admissions people asking when reading an application? And what tweaks can you make to increase your chances to get into your top school? Check out this excerpt from MBA Reality Check to learn more. Source: Poets and Quants Video of the Week Top 10 Mistakes Made By Entrepreneurs Source: Stanford Graduate School of Business One Liners: Infographic: The Most (and Least) Affordable Business Schools Source: How to Break That You’re Going Back For Your MBA to Your Boss Source: Brazen Careerist How MBA Adcoms Evaluate Your GPA Source: Accepted Top B-Schools in India Hiking Tuition Source: The Economic Times Georgia State Dean Leaving to Head Zicklin Source: Atlanta Business Journal Top 5 Business Programs By Specialty Source: Top MBA How to Get Around Waitlists Source: Beat the GMAT How to Earn an MBA with a Full-Time Job and a Young Family Source: Women’s Agenda Robert Half Sees Bright Future for MBA Jobs Source: BusinessBecause Rutgers (Newark) Faculty Disapproves of Dean’s Performance Source: Daily Targum How Business Schools Can Become CEOs’ New Problem Solvers Source: BusinessWeek A Look Inside the MBA Market in India Source: BusinessWorld Calculating the Real Cost of an MBA Source: Money We Have How Will Asia Change Business Education? Source: Business Education Magazine How Business Schools Are Marketing to Prospective Students Source: MBA Enrollment Strategies The Case for the Accelerated MBA Source: Ozy EMBA Programs Forcing Professionals to Scrutinize Business Ethics Source: Business World George Washington Accidentally Emails MBA GPAs to Students Source: George Washington Hatchet 4 Ways to Avoid Drowning in MBA Applications Source: Beat the GMAT Why Business Schools Ignore Women Source: Bloomberg Businessweek MBA Humor Help me always to give 100% at work… 12% on Monday, 23% on Tuesday, 40% on Wednesday, 20% on Thursday, and 5% on Friday. Help me to remember… When I’m having a bad day and it seems that people are trying to wind me up, it takes 42 muscles to frown, 28 to smile, and only four to extend my arm and smack someone in the mouth! Source: Bully Online Tweets of the Week: Gazelle Rezvan @GazelleRezvan “Also I learned how to tie a tie when I got into business school“.Glad @USCMarshall has taught you something valuable, random guy passing by Melanie Powell @melaniesnicket You know you go to a business school when they compare school spirit to balance sheets Lauren Butz @laurenbutz I get intimidated by how good looking everyone in the business school is Clarisa Doval @Clarisita MBA or mediocre but arrogant. Laura Echezabal @lechezabal You know you’re in business school when the topic of marriage comes up and the first thing you think of is, “What tax breaks can I get?” Steve Jenkins @sjbassplayer Folks! I am not starting business school on Friday. That was my last-ditch effort at an April Fool’s prank. Previous PagePage 5 of 5 1 2 3 4 5