25 Essential Business MOOCs For June

Starting a Business: Realize Your Vision

School: University of Leeds

Platform: FutureLearn

Link: Starting a Business: Realize Your Vision

Start Date: June 30, 2014 (2 Weeks)

Workload: 4 Hours Per Week

Instructor: Nigel Lockett

Credentials: Lockett is Professor of Enterprise at the University of Leeds and Director of the Leeds Enterprise Centre. Before entering academia, Lockett spent two decades managing start-ups, joint ventures and foundations in the United Kingdom. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Lancaster and recently co-authored a textbook called Exploring Entrepreneurship, which is published by Oxford University Press.

Graded: Students who complete the course will receive a Statement of Participation.

Description: Looking for a highly interactive course? In this course, Dr. Lockett will introduce you to young entrepreneurs who are facing early stage hurdles in marketing, operations, and finance. Using video case studies, students can study these entrepreneurs’ underlying business strategies before sharing their solutions with the group. They can also listen to the advice given by five business advisors (along with learning the avenues these entrepreneurs chose – and the results yielded by these decisions). In addition, Lockett will also walk students through the steps of launching a business, including identifying opportunities, targeting customers, and securing capital.

Review: None