Meet UCLA Anderson’s MBA Class of 2018

UCLA's Gergana Droumeya in the Calss of 2018

UCLA’s Gergana Droumeva in the Class of 2018


Gergana Droumeva

UCLA, Anderson School of Management

Assistant Dean’s Scouting Report: “The true definition of the term “Global Citizen”.  She has so many insights from her international and national experiences.”

Describe yourself in 15 words or less: A cheerful people’s person who finds inspiration in everyone’s story and seeks to improve the working environment for all colleagues

Hometown: Sofia, Bulgaria

Fun Fact About Yourself: I have been to over 50 cities in three continents, and I have taken a swim in 11 oceans and seas

Undergraduate School and Major: University of San Diego, Double Major Finance & Marketing

Employers and Job Titles Since Graduation: Rocket Internet SE – Jr. Talent Acquisition Manager

Describe your biggest accomplishment in your career so far: I was nominated Project Manager for a very confidential project due to track record within the company after having spent only a few months with them

Looking back on your experience, what advice would you give to future business school applicants? Create a plan! Don’t wait until the last minute to take your GMAT or get started on those application essays and recommendation letter requests. Everything does take a lot more time than we all imagined (take it from me), so plan well in advance!  

What led you to choose this program for your full-time MBA? UCLA Anderson has an incredible reputation when it comes to the high tech industry, which is my target industry. Also, the Anderson alumni network is excellent, and the size of the incoming class is ideal. And, of course, you could never go wrong with being in the entertainment capital of the world with plenty of sunshine year-round!

Tell us about your dream job or dream employer at this point in your life? I’d like to join one of the tech giants, ideally within ecommerce, in an organizational development / people management capacity.

What would you like your business school peers to say about you after you graduate from this program? I’d like for my peers to be able to say that I had a positive impact on their business school experience.