3 Things You Need To Know If You’re Applying To MIT Sloan by: Patricia Robertson, Fortuna Admissions on June 14, 2021 | 3,509 Views June 14, 2021 Copy Link Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Email Share on LinkedIn Share on WhatsApp Share on Reddit MIT Sloan School of Management MIT Sloan is one element of MIT’s deeply interdisciplinary ecosystem. Founded during industrialization to address rapid scientific and technological changes, MIT exists to bring its collective knowledge to bear on the world’s great problems. Great problems are not often solved by individuals alone, so collaboration and community are at the heart of MIT’s culture. Sloan develops principled leaders who can make these solutions a reality. In my recent video conversation with Poets&Quants Editor-in-Chief John A. Byrne, we discussed some essential things an aspiring MIT Sloan candidate should consider when applying – starting with what Sloan is looking for and how to best demonstrate your fit. View our 5-minute video strategy session, informed by my experience at MIT and Sloan, and find additional tips from my Fortuna Admissions colleagues on applying to Sloan. 3 Key Tips for Your MIT Sloan Application Impact matters. Making a positive impact matters. What do you plan to do with your degree that will positively impact the world? As a seriously mission-driven institution, Sloan is looking for people with great ideas who have the motivation and passion to take those ideas into action – thus “ideas made to matter”. Past experience is a great predictor of future success so show us (don’t tell us) about your dreams, what motivates you, and how you have brought others along in the process. Actions speak loudest. MIT Sloan pioneered action-learning – the Institute’s motto of mens et manus (Latin for “mind and hand”) is a philosophy of creativity and intelligence coupled always with action. Show us how you execute your ideas. Are you someone who can help advance ideas and work collaboratively to benefit others and the world? Share examples of how you have taken action that improved a process, an organization, or even a group or person. Be specific and concrete – what did you do and learn? Show us your heart. There are lots of smart, motivated, and accomplished people – just like you! What makes you different? It is our heart that motivates us in life and drives us to work hard and overcome obstacles. Share what motivates you. Who you are as a person? How do you show up on a team, in your family, or in the world? What unique characteristics or circumstances have contributed to your success so far? This is our best predictor that you will be a great collaborator in bringing your creativity, intelligence, and determination to address the great problems of the world. Finally, the MBA application for MIT Sloan – in keeping with MIT’s innovation ethos – eschews the conventions of its M7 peers. You’ll be asked to create and capture several materials that no other school asks for: a cover letter, an organizational chart, 60-second video introduction, and – if you secure an interview – two pre-interview questions that speak to diversity and inclusion and how you use data to make decisions and analyze results. For more tips, view this excellent article by Fortuna’s Brittany Maschal for detailed advice on how to tackle each element of the MIT Sloan application. For a deeper dive on MIT Sloan, view my recent hour-long strategy session with three of my Fortuna colleagues: M7 Admissions Masterclass: Columbia Business School & MIT Sloan. Patty Robertson is a Director at MBA admissions coaching firm Fortuna Admissions. She formerly worked in admissions for MIT Sloan and its Leader for Global Operations program, helping to launch Sloan’s MFin program and leading MIT’s two largest global, custom executive development programs in technology and operations leadership. For a candid assessment of your chances of admission success at a top MBA program, sign up for a free consultation.