The Dogs, Cats & Other Furry Friends Who Got MBAs Through 2021


Maria Jose  Reutter: ESADE, MBA, 2022

“Is the dog of one the best friends here, and is the pet of the all MBAs. We all know him.”



Kirkland Halliday: UBC B+MM, MBA, 2021

“As crazy as it sounds, I currently live alone, and I love talking to my fish (even if he’s not great at responding). It’s nice having a living thing next to me while I’m doing my classes.





Enyu Zhou: Prospective MBA Applicant, 2021

“My name is Eggplant and I have helped Enyu with his studies by:

Monitoring behind him or just take his sleeping place in order to force him to study extra hours.

Patrolling our home with sharp claws to make sure there is no intruder to interrupt him.”



Marissa Hummel: Kelley – IU, MBA, 2022

“Kobe has been my #1 supporter through business school. He is always there for snuggles when I need it, but he also keeps me active when I’m exhausted and stressed. Sometimes, a walk around the block or a swim (Kobe’s favorite) is just what I needed too!”




Arwin Adityavarna: Kelley School of Business, MBA Alumni, 2020

“Bambi (inspired by the abbreviation of “Bloomington Baby”) was always by my side, especially during those long hours of the study groups and case preparations. She is super friendly and cheerful, a true Kelley MBA dog!”





Jason Feldman: Ross, MBA, 2022

“Frankie has brought levity to the first year at Ross. Her steady demeanor, Excel skills, and industry expertise were also immensely valuable to many group projects.”



Friends of Finn Alison, Brian, Michelle: Kellogg School of Management, MBA, 2021

“Watching our section-mate Liz’s beloved dog Finn grow-up from a playful pup to a handsome young-adult has enriched our business-school experiences.

Taking him on adventures to the beach, park, and pet-store gave us the joy, inspiration, and love we needed to propel us through the most challenging times of business-school.”



Jack Gargan: Notre Dame, MBA, 2022

“Cooper neutralizes any frustrations I may have with schoolwork.  Regularly, he comes into my room to verify my well-being while I study.  This is usually done in the form of a full-body thrust, or copious licks.  He was absolutely pivotal in helping me get through accounting and marketing classes.”



Julianne Katz: Rice Business, MBA Alumni, 2021

“Pippa, the pandemic pup, supported me as powered through Zoom classes, explored Texas, and led the 2021 Women in Leadership Conference. She became a bit of a Rice Business celeb. I could not have gotten through the COVID B-School experience without her unconditional love and snuggles!”


Sugar (冰糖)

Harry Wang: MBAN, Current MBA, 2021

“Sugar accompanies me through online classes and piles of coursework.”






David Roe: IMD, Current MBA, 2021

“Maddox is an absolute joy to take out into the Swiss mountains, completely in his element, and motivates me to recharge by spending time outdoors. Together with my partner Liz, he has been a tremendous bundle of positive energy, and he is never shy to share his opinion!”



Adele & Sushi

Normand Gauthier: IMBA, MBA, 2021

“The cats of my classmate Morning.

They show up once in a while on videos, often generating questions from the teacher.

I always secretly hope the cats may soften the teacher’s heart and give us more lenient terms, such as more time to complete our finance exam!”



Jonathan Yuan: Kelley School of Business, MBA Alumni, 2021

“Through countless Zoom classes and late-night study sessions, Leonard was always by my side.  He always knew when I needed a break by bringing me his favorite tennis ball, or showing me that big smile of his. We made it, Leonard!!”



Jimmy Caputo: University of Delaware, Current MBA, 2023

“While working from home, and taking classes from home, Chunky has been a great reminder to get up, get outside, and get moving. Would not be balancing my work-life time correctly without him.”





Annie Lopatin: Northeastern University, Current MBA, 2022

“Angel has been with me through the first year of my MBA program from providing breaks in the form of belly rubs and walks or in participating in presentations, ensuring her voice (for attention) was heard.”




Guinness & Clover

William Donahue: University of Notre Dame – Mendoza, Current MBA, 2022

“Guinness & Clover were a blessing to the Notre Dame community this past year. Guinness is a true athlete with big-time hops and loves fetch. Clover enjoys lounging and sunbathing with the ladies. These two good pups supported me through my first year at Notre Dame.”



Nicole King: UBC Sauder School of Business, Current MBA, 2022

“Flanders was only 4 months old when I started my MBA as a single dog mom in a new city. He has been my emotional support animal as I have dealt with the stress of school, anxiety, and imposter syndrome. I literally couldn’t do it without him!”



Bo & Dylan

Ariel Roll Hemsi: FTMBA at Esade Business & Law School, Ramon Llull University, Current MBA, 2021

“My pets were comforting companions during the whole MBA journey – from putting a smile on my face while studying for the GMAT, to partnering up during the long hours of the final MBA project. Traveling with them was challenging but definitely worthwhile.”




Esade Students: Esade, 2020

“Fifo (a pink unicorn) helped and cheered students from Esade MBA Class during 2019 and 2020.”


Mr. Potato

Taewan Ki: Carroll School of Management, MBA, 2023

“Mr. Potato shared his food to cheer me up.”





Cowboy & Bronco

Olivia Klayman: Boston College, Current MBA, 2023

“In the words of Forest Gump… “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get.” My dogs have remained a constant throughout the highs and lows of life. Without them, I would be half the person I am today.”



Erik Siegler: University of Notre Dame, MBA Alumni, 2021

“I got Teddy at the end of my first year, just after COVID hit. He has been an inspiration, comic relief, and stress relief and has helped me find success at business school. I can’t wait to take him on future adventures.”





Jake Frego: Kelley School of Business, MBA Alumni, 2021

“Group homework assignments double as social events with the pup as a member of the team! On a typical day, Sunny can be found meeting classmates, making doggo friends, and sniffing around beautiful Bloomington. The joy that he brings to others is a source of my own joy.”




Raghav Malik: UBC Sauder, Current MBA, 2023

“In the short time period I had prior to my MBA application deadline (given a lot of heavy workload at my job), Casper would stay up with me on the late nights spent pondering over my essays and then sleep exactly like this at 4:30 am. Isn’t he adorable?”