
Mr. Aker 22

About Me:

I am Indian and have lived in the Middle East all of my life. I graduated from Texas A&M University and currently work with the world’s largest oilfield services firm as a Senior Engineer.


Target School: MIT Sloan

See More Profiles For: MIT Sloan

Application Status: Open


Undergrad School: Texas A&M University

Undergrad Major: Petroleum Engineering

GPA: 3.4

GRE: 332

Age: 29,  Ethnicity: Asian or Indian

Extracurriculars: Volunteering - active member of volunteer group that distributes leftover food from restaurants to laborers, Education - Founder of a small trust that covers tuition fees of underprivileged children in India.

Work History:

Title: Senior Petroleum Engineer

Industry: Engineering

Company: Fortune 500

Length of Employment: 8 yrs, 2 mos

Big Life Wins:

– Recipient of Multiple major client awards for 3 continuous years.
– Youngest in country to achieve current seniority level.
– Key contributor of several high-profile projects.

Post MBA Goal:

Either consulting or general management. I want to be able to make a tangible difference in businesses and be the one driving and influencing the company’s strategy rather than the one simply absorbing it.


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The Experts Rate The Odds At: 25%

See what the industry experts have to say:

  • mbaMission Odds Assessment: 25%

    Hi Mr. Aker 22,
    You come from a very differentiated background – and that helps to set you apart! This is Debbie Choy from mbaMission. I like that you have a strong career trajectory in oil & gas, as reflected in your receiving multiple client awards and seniority in the company. I am also impressed by your engagement in your community. As you pull your apps together, be sure to describe what motivates you to want to pivot into consulting. As well, don’t hesitate to share your personal stories, for example, why are you passionate about education for underprivileged children? If you can articulate this compellingly in your essays, that would be the key to your application success. If you would like to discuss your profile …

    3 years ago Read the full review

The Community Currently Rates The Odds At: 24%

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