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CPA and studying for CFA and making the transition into finance and investment banking. I am currently 28 and I plan to apply when I am 30 with the hope of attending a university in NC or the Midwest. In my free time I mentor underprivileged kids and I am a father.
Target School: Duke Fuqua
Considering: Kenan-Flagler, Darden, Ross, Kellogg SOM, Chicago Booth, Cornell Johnson
See More Profiles For: Duke Fuqua
Application Status: Open
Undergrad School: University of North Texas
Undergrad Major: Logistics and Supply Chain Management
GPA: 3.5
GMAT: 700
Age: 28, Ethnicity: White
Other Degree/Certification: Masters of Science Accounting
School Name: University of North Texas
Extracurriculars: Big Brother Big Sister, In my free time, I enjoy painting.
Title: Audit Senior Associate
Industry: Accounting
Company: Top Firm
Length of Employment: 3 yrs
Attaining my CPA and CFA level 1.
I would like to begin a career in investment banking in NC or the Midwest for middle-market transactions.
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Hi, Mr. CPA to Finance, this is Julie-Anne Heafey with mbaMission. Overall, I think you have a promising candidacy, but your profile raises a few questions, so I am a little unsure of the “odds” rating here. While University of North Texas might not be a huge feeder school to top MBA programs, your GPA and GMAT are right within range for Fuqua, and I’m impressed on your dual CPA and CFA – amazing! I also like your mentorship and even your painting hobby (you’re a bit of a poet, as well as a quant). My questions mostly lie in your experience/timing. You mention you are thinking of applying at age 30, which suggests a start at age 31 and …
Hi, Mr. CPA to Finance, this is Julie-Anne Heafey with mbaMission. Overall, I think you have a promising candidacy, but your profile raises a few questions, so I am a little unsure of the “odds” rating here. While University of North Texas might not be a huge feeder school to top MBA programs, your GPA and GMAT are right within range for Fuqua, and I’m impressed on your dual CPA and CFA – amazing! I also like your mentorship and even your painting hobby (you’re a bit of a poet, as well as a quant). My questions mostly lie in your experience/timing. You mention you are thinking of applying at age 30, which suggests a start at age 31 and finish at 33. That’s a bit old for a lot of standard 2 year MBA programs, and possibly for investment banking summer internships too (though they do sometimes hire military folks with that age range for summer roles), so I wonder if you’d consider applying this fall, accelerating your timeline, to improve your chances? I also didn’t quite understand the 3.5 years of experience at age 28, and wondered if there were gaps there that you’d need to explain in the optional, or if you just didn’t fill out the form with every job. If needed, you might look into how to use the optional essay on our blog at mbaMission…there are some posts there that might help. Good luck!
Mr. CPA to Finance, I’m Lisa Cummings with Stratus Admissions. I agree with my peer that you may want to consider applying this fall for the class of 2022. I too have questions surrounding your work experience, perhaps part of the gap was for your master’s program? I’d also want to know more about big professional wins that you have been able to achieve as an accountant, there isn’t a lot for me to go on here. I like that you are anticipating and preparing for your career pivot by taking the CFA. When I was on the Sloan Adcomm we liked to see the CFA designation but generally wanted to see beyond Level I, although that is a step in the right …
Mr. CPA to Finance, I’m Lisa Cummings with Stratus Admissions. I agree with my peer that you may want to consider applying this fall for the class of 2022. I too have questions surrounding your work experience, perhaps part of the gap was for your master’s program? I’d also want to know more about big professional wins that you have been able to achieve as an accountant, there isn’t a lot for me to go on here. I like that you are anticipating and preparing for your career pivot by taking the CFA. When I was on the Sloan Adcomm we liked to see the CFA designation but generally wanted to see beyond Level I, although that is a step in the right direction and shows commitment. If possible, you I’d suggest that you take the Level II CFA before you submit your application. These big questions make it hard for me to rate your candidacy. Assuming you have solid answers to these issues I do think that you would be an attractive candidate for Fuqua. I really like your commitment to mentoring through BBBS and your target schools will too. Best of luck.
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