
Mr. Maximum Impact

About Me:

Born and raised in England, moved to the states when I was ten. Illegal for 15 years, but made the best of every situation. Offers at top companies that I couldn’t accept due to being illegal. 2 promotions in 3 years, and de facto lead engineer on site. Lead intern program, upgrade as superintendent, and have found success in every role.


Target School: Kellogg SOM

Considering: McCombs School of Business

Accepted: McCombs School of Business

See More Profiles For: Kellogg SOM

Application Status: Invited to Interview


Undergrad School: University of Oklahoma

Undergrad Major: Chem Eng, Mathematics

GPA: 3.77

GMAT: Waiver

Age: 25,  Ethnicity: Asian or Indian

Extracurriculars: Tutoring and Mentoring Kids, Personal Training at the Gym

Work History:

Title: Process Engineer

Industry: Engineering

Company: Publicly Traded

Length of Employment: 3 yrs, 6 mos

Big Life Wins:

Green Card after a long process last year – finally a permanent resident. Overcoming childhood poverty to being someone who started at 70k/year to being paid 110k/year in three years due to impact. Major project installs and safety improvements led to 50% increase in production and uptime, equivalent to $60M in sales/year.

Post MBA Goal:

Operations Management, Management Consulting out of school. Being a more impactful leader on a personal level. Long term goal to be in the C-suite where I can maximize and impact the most change. Create an organization to fight childhood poverty through literacy and presence – make generational changes!


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The Experts Rate The Odds At: 40%

See what the industry experts have to say:

  • John A. Byrne, P&Q Founder & Editor-In-Chief | Odds Assessment: 40%

    What a powerful story you have. And congrats on your acceptance to McCombs. I’m not sure here but it looks to me that you may be hoping to get an admit from Kellogg. I see your GMAT was waived which could make a Kellogg admit a bit of a long shot, unfortunately. In any case, McCombs is a fantastic program and you will do well there. I also believe an MBA from McCombs will allow you to reach your goal.

    5 years ago

The Community Currently Rates The Odds At: 2%

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  • 1% | 5 years ago

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