
Mr. PE Ops With Low GPA & GRE

About Me:

Private equity portfolio value creation associate at a middle market private equity firm, with prior management consulting experience at a T2 consulting firm. Strong professional performance and leadership stories (in and outside of work), but weaker stats (lower than average GPA/test scores).


Target School: Stanford GSB

See More Profiles For: Stanford GSB

Application Status: Open


Undergrad School: Northwestern University

Undergrad Major: Biomedical Engineering

GPA: 3.35

GRE: 324

Age: 26,  Ethnicity: Asian or Indian

Extracurriculars: Board member for local nonprofit focused on STEM education for underserved communities | Piano teacher for low income students | Founder of a small, online career consulting platform

Work History:

Title: Private Equity Value Creation Associate

Industry: Banking & Finance

Company: Boutique Firm

Length of Employment: 1 yr, 6 mos

Title: Non-MBB, T2 Senior Associate

Industry: Consulting

Company: Fortune 100 Top 10

Length of Employment: 2 yrs, 7 mos

Big Life Wins:

– Early promoted in consulting after receiving the highest performance ratings in my cohort, both years.
– Being in private equity portfolio value creation/operations, strong anecdotes showing impact (e.g., generating $XXM of cash, $XM of profit, increasing X% efficiency, etc.)
– President for a large, 200+ student organization during college
– Played violin for 14 years before college; held various concertmaster (leadership) roles, but entered college without much experience studying (low GPA story in optional essay)

Post MBA Goal:

Pivot to a similar portfolio value creation/growth strategy team at a top Growth Equity firm and eventually start my own growth equity firm in the long-term


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