
Ms. Grit & Impact

About Me:

Born and raised in India. Undergrad in Engineering from top college within my state (not globally or nationally renowned), Master’s at Dartmouth . Worked as a Product Manager at top FS company (promoted from Analyst to Associate to Assistant Vice President), and transitioned to current role as Senior PM (post-MBA role) in Fortune 10 tech firm.


Target School: Stanford GSB

Considering: Harvard, Wharton

See More Profiles For: Stanford GSB

Application Status: Open


Undergrad School: Osmania University

Undergrad Major: Engineering

GPA: 4.0

GRE: 330

Age: 27,  Ethnicity: Asian or Indian

Other Degree/Certification: Master's

School Name: Dartmouth College

Extracurriculars: President of clubs in undergrad and grad school (cultural and consulting clubs) - Led teams of sizes 5 to 300 people, organized events with budget ~ $50,000, Tutoring and Mentoring for the past 8 years - Girls Who Code, Year Up, part-time gigs after college/outside work, Animal rights advocacy and activism, vegan advocacy - associated with many organizations over the past 20 years in rescuing animals, doing grassroots activism and advocacy

Work History:

Title: Assistant Vice President (Product Management)

Industry: Banking & Finance

Company: Top Firm

Length of Employment: 3 yrs, 3 mos

Title: Senior Product Manager (Post MBA role)

Industry: Technology

Company: Fortune 100 Top 10

Length of Employment: 3 mos

Big Life Wins:

Lower middle-class family, patriarchal, abusive HH. Left home at 18 to escape abuse. Graduated top of class in undergrad. Boarded a plane for the first time to fly to the US for a Master’s degree. The same year I graduated from Dartmouth, had my life wrecked due to a very traumatic experience, was pulled out of work on disability leave for a few month Now, I live with PTSD, depression, and a firm resolve to never give up because I want to represent hope.

Post MBA Goal:

Venture capital – want to ensure and increase access to capital for vegan food companies, companies focused on helping women in developing and underdeveloped nations and companies founded by women of color.


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The Experts Rate The Odds At: 40%

See what the industry experts have to say:

  • MBA Prep School | Odds Assessment: 40%

    Hi Ms. Grit and Impact, this is Kristen from MBA Prep School. Your pseudonym really says it all! I am incredibly impressed by all of your achievements in spite of so much adversity in your life. You should be incredibly proud. What is your Master’s in from Dartmouth, and what was your GPA? If it is as strong as your undergrad GPA, you really have it all. Adcoms should easily be able to overlook your less-renowned undergraduate institution in favor of your grad degree, strong GMAT score, and rapid career progression. I also really like the incorporation of social good in your career goals (as will Stanford). Make sure your personal activism and life circumstances are woven into your story of how you arrived …

    4 years ago Read the full review

The Community Currently Rates The Odds At: 34%

  • 55% | 4 years ago

  • 50% | 4 years ago

  • 80
  • 50% | 4 years ago

  • 40% | 4 years ago

    Hi Ms. Grit and Impact, this is Kristen from MBA Prep School. Your pseudonym really says it all! I am incredibly impressed by all of your achievements in spite of so much adversity in your life. You should be incredibly proud. What is your Master's in from Dartmouth, and what was your GPA? If it is as strong as your undergrad GPA, you really have it all. Adcoms should easily be able to overlook your less-renowned undergraduate institution in favor of your grad degree, strong GMAT score, and rapid career progression. I also really like the incorporation of social good in your career goals (as will Stanford). Make sure your personal activism and life circumstances are woven into your story of how you arrived ...
    Read the full review
  • 40% | 4 years ago

  • 40% | 4 years ago

    Hi Ms. Grit, this is Kristen from MBA Prep School. Wow, your profile name fits perfectly. I am incredibly impressed with your success in the face of adversity. What was your Master's in at Dartmouth and what was your GPA? Assuming your performance was strong, I think the Admissions Committee will easily overlook your less-recognizable undergrad institution due to your strong academic performance and GRE score along with your rapid professional progression. I also admire your post-MBA goals around social good (and so will Stanford). You'll want to make a strong connection to your personal activism to illustrate a sustained commitment to these issues and a desire to turn your professional career in that direction. Additionally, highlight how the MBA is going to help you ...
    Read the full review

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