Essential MOOC Courses In Business For June

Digital Analytics for Marketing Professionals: Marketing Analytics in Theory (May)


Digital Analytics for Marketing Professionals: Marketing Analytics in Practice (June)

School: University of Illinois

Platform: Coursera

Registration Links: Digital Analytics for Marketing Professionals: Marketing Analytics in Theory

Digital Analytics for Marketing Professionals: Marketing Analytics in Practice

Start Dates: May 27, 2015 (Theory), June 29, 2015 (Practice); Both courses last four weeks.

Workload: 8-10 Hours Per Week

Instructor: Kevin Hartman

Credentials: Data does more than just reveal facts and trends. It also inspires creativity. And Kevin Hartman, who was recently promoted to regional client lead at Google, is one practitioner of using data to understand what appeals to and motivates people. Hartman, who holds his MPP from the University of Chicago, teaches courses in web metrics and data analytics at the University of Notre Dame, the University of Chicago, and the University of Illinois by night. By day, he partners with advertisers, media companies, and creative agencies to “develop digital solutions that build businesses and brands.” Before working for Google, Hartman ran marketing and advertising programs for several agencies, where his clients included Bank of America, Kellogg’s, Taco Bell, and Boeing.

Graded: This course is the second part in the University of Illinois’ digital marketing specialization.

Description: Every time you take an action or make a purchase, a measurable “data event” is created. Such events reflect both individual and collective preferences, expectations, and hot buttons that can help marketers build branding, campaigns, and solutions to deepen relationships with these consumers. In these courses, Professor Hartman examines the theories of marketing analytics, how to interpret and frame it, and how to apply it strategically to produce results. Hartman, who views the field as art as much as science, will teach students industry terminology, along with how to identify the right tools for selecting data and measuring their efforts. In addition, students will look into the future of digital analytics, including the role of new media and growing concerns over privacy and ethics. Both courses will be broken into four modules, with students taught through readings, video lectures, and quizzes

Review: No reviews.

Additional Background: Both courses include a free downloadable text: Web Analytics Demystified by Eric Peterson.