Best Free MOOCs In Business For June


The Three Pillar Model for Business Decisions: Strategy, Law & Ethics

School: University of Michigan

Platform: Coursera

Registration Link: CLICK HERE

Start Date: June 1, 2016

Workload: Not Specified

Instructor: George Siedel

Credentials:  A recognized expert in negotiating and dispute resolution, Siedel teaches at the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business. In addition, he has taught this topic on every continent, to audiences ranging from business leaders to doctors. Seidel, who holds a J.D. from the University of Michigan’s School of Law and served as associate dean of the Ross School of Business, also conducts annual negotiation seminars in Hong Kong and Italy. A distinguished researcher, Siedel has received numerous teaching awards as well.

Graded: Students can choose to explore course videos, discussions, and ungraded assignments for free, but they won’t be able to sit for the final exam or earn a certificate without paying a course fee.

Description: Traditionally, the basis behind business decision-making has involved three pillars: Economics, law and ethics. Ethics involved acting responsibly, while law covered the management of risk. Economics, which encompasses variables like cost and outsourcing, has never quite fit. As a result, Siedel modified the pillars, inserting strategy (i.e. value creation) in place of economics. The result is a new way to view decision-making, where strategy is able to integrate law and ethics to better drive innovation without running afoul of regulations or shirking liability.

According to Siedel, the course “provides legal briefings (with many examples) on the key elements of business success, such as (1) attracting the best employees, (2) developing successful products, (3) creating new business models, (4) protecting intellectual property, (5) creating contracts that achieve business goals, and (6) using dispute resolution processes that improve business relationships.” The course will be taught through short videos and readings, with students evaluated through quizzes and a final mastery exam.

Review: No reviews.