Podcast Interview With Vanderbilt Owen’s Christie St-John

Get a Owen School of Business Introduction with Christie St. John

Christie St-John, director of MBA admissions at Vanderbilt University’s Owen Graduate School of Management

Vanderbilt’s Owen Graduate School of Management

“Students discover that Owen is a very real genuine place,” says Christie St-John, director of MBA admissions at Vanderbilt University’s Owen Graduate School of Management. “Everybody really is as friendly as they look in our brochures. We believe in truth in advertising. One characteristic that our students have in common is that they are all nice. They are very open, curious, driven, but in a good way, and everybody seems to get along no matter where they are from. And secondly, they realize how hard Mod-1 is. It’s a killer so we try very hard to get everyone prepared before they get here. We are on a seven-week modular system in 14-week semesters which allows people to get through the core courses early and start taking electives. When they get to their internship, especially if they are changing careers as most people do, they have already taken three or four classes in their functional area and they look really smart when they show up for that internship.”

Get an Owen School of Business Introduction with Christie St. John and decide if Vanderbilt in Nashville, Tennessee is the best place for you.

Listen to our podcast interview with Christie St-John, director of MBA admissions at Owen Graduate School of Business