B-School Bulletin: Bowling For Fascism & More

In the personal finance class offered by the McIntire School of Commerce, non-business students learn about building credit, saving for a home or creating an investment portfolio. Photo by Dan Addison, UVA Communications

How This 1949 Alumnus Is Securing Hundreds Of Students’ Financial Futures

Alumni Robert “Bob” Hardaway Jr., left, and Sadiq Olanrewaju, both former UVA football players, met over the summer

News from University of Virginia McIntire School of Commerce

“Robert ‘Bob’ Hardaway Jr. and Sadiq Olanrewaju graduated from the University of Virginia 68 years apart, but the 2017 graduate and the 90-year-old alumnus were able to find plenty of common ground.

“For one, they both played on UVA’s football team. Olanrewaju, who was born in Nigeria and immigrated to Maryland as a child, was a highly regarded offensive lineman before injury forced him to retire.

“Hardaway, who stands significantly shorter than Olanrewaju’s 6-foot-6 frame, freely admits that he was better suited to the practice squad at first. Hardaway was in training with the U.S. Navy when World War II ended in 1945, and like many fellow servicemen, enrolled at UVA shortly after. He joined the junior varsity team for a few years before being promoted to varsity ‘as a benchwarmer’ in 1949. That year, the Cavaliers were ranked in the Top 10 nationally under head coach Art Guepe.

“Both Hardaway and Olanrewaju were in the Z Society, a semi-secret society (members remain anonymous until Final Exercises) known for its philanthropic efforts, honorary dinners and academic awards.

“Perhaps most significant, however, is the connection they share in the classroom. Olanrewaju is one of hundreds of students to take the ‘Personal Finance’ course that Hardaway has endowed.”

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Amazon’s UK Country Manager Doug Gurr spoke recently to students and alumni of London Business School

Amazon Shops For Talent In The UK

News from London Business School

“Amazon, the online retailer, has revealed that guiding principles and great talent are behind its global success.

“Speaking to students and alumni at a London Business School event, Amazon’s UK Country Manager Doug Gurr said: ‘We’re a values-led organisation. In no particular order, our four guiding principles are customer obsession, passion for invention, commitment to operational excellence and long-term thinking.’

“He added that Amazon often turns to LBS when recruiting. ‘The UK is an amazing location to recruit great talent and LBS is somewhere we find the talent we need.’”

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IU Remembers ‘Forward-Thinking’ Haeberle

News from Indiana Kelley

Haeberle taught at the Kelley School from 1946 until 1984

“Indiana University is mourning the loss of the creator of one of the nation’s first collegiate entrepreneurship programs. Bill Haeberle, who taught at the Kelley School of Business for nearly 40 years, passed away last week at the age of 95.

“Haeberle taught at the Kelley School from 1946 until 1984, and remained an active emeritus faculty member for several more years. His students included Kelley alumnus, Dallas Mavericks owner and AXS Television Chairman Mark Cuban.”

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Op-Ed: In Tackling #MeToo, Don’t Ignore Micro-Insults That Harm Women’s Careers

News from HBS

“The Harvey Weinstein horror show has brought attention to previously unspoken abuses of male power to sexually harass and suppress women. Prominent women are joining the #MeToo moment, feeling safety in numbers as they reveal facing egregious bullying. Businesses are reacting by firing the worst offenders and beefing up formal channels for complaint.

“Will that be enough to create positive work environments? I’m also concerned about lingering micro-insults that arrive in a less overtly sexual guise, often shrugged off as too trivial to mention, and yet have a dampening effect on productivity and innovation. As I showed in my book Confidence, organizations on ‘winning streaks’ thrive on a culture of respect, which underlies speed and innovation, while ‘losing streaks’ are full of secret anger, shunning people who are different, and rejecting ideas.”

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Berkeley Economist Leads Petition Drive To Fight Pervasive Misogyny

News from UC-Berkeley Haas School of Business

“A senior thesis by a UC-Berkeley student raised eyebrows recently when the New York Times shared her findings that a popular website for those posting and seeking jobs in economics was rife with sexist and crude terminology.

“And Alice Wu’s work continues to reverberate, following word last week that more than 1,000 economics professors, lecturers and graduate student instructors across the country who teach economics signed a petition urging the American Economic Association to institute a fact-based and moderated wiki to provide up-to-the-minute job market information.”

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