All The New MBA Courses At The Top U.S. B-Schools

Harvard Business School

New Course: Global Climate Change

Instructor: Gunnar Trumbull, Philip Caldwell Professor of Business Administration

The course will assess the origins, context and implications of climate change for business and society. It will explore how and why we have created climate change; how it will change the world we live in; and how we can and will respond to it. The course will consider the scientific, economic, social, political, and ethical context of that response. It will also be explicitly an exploratory course, with the goal of developing/refining an approach for teaching climate change at HBS.

New Course: Risks, Opportunities, And Investments In The Era Of Climate Change

Instructor: George Serafeim, Charles M. Williams Professor of Business Administration

There is broad scientific consensus that to avert the most catastrophic consequences from climate change we would need to limit global increase in temperature to less than 2 degrees Celsius (2DS). To achieve this scenario there are multiple future carbon pathways with most of them pointing to the need to reach net zero emissions across many geographies approximately in the middle of the 21st century. This transition to net zero creates a host of risks and opportunities for organizations and their investors. Should this goal not be reached and inaction with respect to climate change prevail this will lead to increasing physical risks from natural disasters and changes in the natural environment.

The course examines holistically all these climate-related risks and opportunities, under different scenarios, with an emphasis on measuring, valuing, and designing data analytics, investment processes, products, and contracts through the lens of climate change.

Northwestern Kellogg School of Management

New Course: Wealthtech: Innovations in the Investment World

Instructor: Erez Levy

During the last decade, technological innovations have disrupted the financial industry. Financial technologies, known as Fintech, are influencing almost every aspect in the financial world. This course aims to expose students to the effects of technological innovations in the investment world, known as Wealthtech. In this course, we discuss how technology changes the traditional way of investment management, for both institutional and private investors. The discussion will focus on the following two aspects: First, Investment tools, once available only to professional investors, are now available to private investors. Therefore, it is important to understand their essence and the challenges they present in using them effectively. Second, Fintech introduced several innovations in the investment world, among them are: new data sets, alternative investment opportunities, platforms and assets. In this course, the students will be exposed to these innovations and discuss their properties (in particular their advantages and disadvantages) and how these innovations can be used in practice.

MIT Sloan School of Management

New CourseOvercoming Obstacles to Entrepreneurial Success

Instructors: Ed Roberts, Imran Sayeed

The course focuses on identifying, understanding, and coping with major problems that arise from the founding of a new enterprise through its early and later growth stages on the pathway to entrepreneurial success. Successful entrepreneurs, including VCs and social impact founder-builders, are recruited to develop brief capsule descriptions of a major issue each had to overcome on the path toward entrepreneurial success. One entrepreneur is featured each week. Student teams present brief proposed solutions for general discussion in class with the speaker, which is followed by the speaker’s presentation of the approach to solution that was actually taken and why. Each class begins with discussion of the related academic entrepreneurship research and understandings of the day’s topic. Subject is prototype of desired “dual-track” approach to entrepreneurial education that integrates academic research and practitioner experience.