Top Feeder Companies To The Tuck School

Top Feeder Companies to Dartmouth’s Tuck School

Top Feeder Organizations 

To Tuck Business School

Estimated % in 

Class of 2013

Estimated Number in 

Class of 2013

Number Found  

in Facebook

1. Deloitte New York, NY 3.6% 10 8
2. Goldman Sachs New York, NY 3.2% 9 7
3. Ernst & Young New York, NY 2.7% 7 6
4. Google Mountain View, CA 2.3% 6 5
4. LEK Consulting London, U.K. 2.3% 6 5
4. PriceWaterhouseCoopers New York, NY 2.3% 6 5
7. Cambridge Associates Boston, MA 1.8% 5 4
7. IBM Armonk, NY 1.8% 5 4
9. Accenture New York, NY 1.4% 4 3
9. Credit Suisse Zurich, Switzerland 1.4% 4 3
9. Hyundai Seoul, Korea 1.4% 4 3
12. BankofAmerica San Francisco, CA 0.9% 2 2
12. Barclays Capital London, U.K. 0.9% 2 2
12. Citigroup New York, NY 0.9% 2 2
12. Cornerstone Research San Francisco, CA 0.9% 2 2
12. ExxonMobil Irving, TX 0.9% 2 2
12. Hewlett-Packard Palo Alto, CA 0.9% 2 2
12. Jeffries & Co. New York, NY 0.9% 2 2
12. KPMG New York, NY 0.9% 2 2
12. Oi/Telemar Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 0.9% 2 2
12. Oliver Wyman Boston, MA 0.9% 2 2
12. Parthenon Group Boston, MA 0.9% 2 2
12. Pfizer New York, NY 0.9% 2 2
12. Tata Group Mumbai, India 0.9% 2 2
12. UBS Zurich, Switzerland 0.9% 2 2
12. Walt Disney Co. Burbank, CA 0.9% 2 2

Source: These numbers are calculated from Dartmouth College’s Tuck School of Business Class of 2013 Facebook page. The work backgrounds of 220 of the 268 enrolled students were confirmed via Facebook, LinkedIn, or other social networks The estimate of students with work experience at a specific firm is based on the percentage of the confirmed sample who have worked fo that employer.

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Related Reading: Top Feeder Companies