The 30 Commandments Of The MBA Admissions Game

  • Thou shall prepare for thy interviews: Everyone who makes it to the interview round for your target school is serious competition for you. If the ad com didn’t like them, they wouldn’t be there. Don’t become over confident in the fact that you’ve been granted an interview. For each of my interviews, I’ve embraced the very real possibility that I might not make it to the other side. I believe that  my humility and acceptance of a possible negative fate in each case thus far has encouraged me to prepare in a way that really helped me to perform. My Wharton group interview result in particular was the result of tedious preparation. Even in the case of my Booth interview (which I thought fell flat), the interviewer later shared (after my acceptance) that they were extremely impressed with me (go figure). While I have no clue how my MIT interview will go, I can assure you that it won’t be taken for granted either.
  • Thou shall save thy money: As soon as you get an admit, EVERYONE will begin lunging for your wallet. Your school, the airlines, hotels, next year’s landlord, moving companies, your favorite men’s store/boutique. Start saving as soon as possible. Once you actually get that admit that you will have invested 6 months to a year or more vying for, everything will move very fast; and there will be a toll of some sort literally at every stop from that point until your very last loan payment is made. Believe it.

MBAOver30 offers the perspective of a 30-something, California-based entrepreneur who is applyied to Harvard, Stanford, Wharton, Chicago, and MIT Sloan.. He has been offered admission into Class of 2015 from Wharton and Chicago and will be interviewing for Sloan. He blogs at MBAOver30.

Previous posts on Poets&Quants:

How I Totally Overestimated The MBA Admissions Process

Musings on MBA Failophobia

Letting Go Of An MBA Safety School

When A Campus Visit Turns Off An MBA Applicant

Yale, Tuck and Booth: The Next Leg of My Pre- MBA Research

 My Countdown: Less Than 30 Days To The GMAT

From Suits To Startups: Why MBA Programs Are Changing

Why I’m Not Getting Either A Part-Time MBA or An Executive MBA

Preparing To Sit For The GMAT Exam

Falls Short of GMAT Goal, But The 700 Is A Big Improvement

A 2012-2013 MBA Application Strategy

Celebrating A 35th Birthday & Still Wanting A Full-Time MBA

A Tuck Coffee Chat Leaves Our Guest Blogger A Believer

Heading Into the August Cave: Getting Those Round One Apps Done 

Just One MBA Essay Shy Of Being Doe

Getting That MBA Recommendation From Your Boss

Facetime with MBA Gatekeepers at Wharton

The Differences Between Harvard & Stanford Info Sessions

My MIT Sloan Info Session in California 

Round One Deadlines Approaching

Jumping Into The MBA Admissions Rabbit Hole

Relief At Getting Those Round One Apps Done But Now A Sense of Powerlessness

On Age Discrimination in MBA Admissions & Rookie Hype

Judgment Day Nears

Harvard Business School: No News Is Good News?

Researching Kellogg, Tuck, Berkeley and Yale

A Halloween Treat: An Invite To Interview From Chicago Booth

The MBA Gods Have Smiled Once Again

Interviewing At Chicago Booth and Wharton

My Thanksgiving Day Feast: Completing Applications

The Most Painful Part of the MBA Application Process: Waiting

An Invite To Interview At MIT Sloan

An Early Morning Phone Call From Area Code 773 With Good News

An Acceptance From Wharton

Going AWOL From The Admissions Game