November’s Essential Business MOOCs

Responsible Innovation


School: DelftX

Platform: EdX

Registration Link: Responsible Innovation

Start Date: November 2014 (8 Weeks)

Workload: 6-8 Hours Per Week

Instructor: Jeroen van den Hoven

Credentials: van den Hoven is seemingly one of the busiest men in the Netherlands. A professor of moral philosophy at Delft University of Technology, he also acts as the Vice Dean of the school’s Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management. In addition, he serves as the Scientific Director of the Three Technical Universities of The Netherlands and Editor-in-Chief of Ethics and Information Technology. Outside the university, he has advised both the Dutch government and the European Union on information technology and innovation.

Graded: EdX makes numerous certifications available. Although students can simply audit the course, they can also earn honor code certificates (confirms you completed the course without verifying your name), verified certificates of achievement (includes your name and picture), and XSeries certificates (available when you complete a series of courses on a particular topic). The latter two certificates require a small fee.

Description: A fresh take on technical innovation, this course explores the implications of innovation on ethics and society. In particular, it explores both the opportunity and disruption inherent to innovation, showing how technical progress and economic growth must be balanced with ethics, safety, and sustainability. The course relies heavily on case studies, covering the unexpected consequences of innovation on food safety, digital security, smart cities, personalized health, sustainable and efficient energy, and disaster resilience. During the course, students will also examine concepts like individual and collective accountability, Value Sensitive Design (VSD), and constructive technology assessment.

Review: No reviews.