Essential Business MOOCs For January


Financial Analysis of Entrepreneurial Ideas

School: Babson College

Platform: NovoEd

Registration Link: Financial Analysis of Entrepreneurial Ideas

Start Date: Winter 2015

Workload: 3-5 Hours per Week

Instructors: Shahid Ansari and Jan Bell

Credentials: Dr. Ansari teaches accounting at Babson College, along with serving as CEO of Babson Global, a non-profit that delivers entrepreneurial curriculum and training to educational institutions worldwide. He previously served as Babson College’s Provost and Dean of Faculty. He earned his Ph.D. in Accounting and Organizational Behavior at Columbia. Dr. Bell also teaches accounting at Babson College. Bell, along with Ansari, co-authored the popular textbook, Management Accounting: A Strategic Focus (Hougton Mifflin). Bell has also won awards for her case writing and papers from the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA).

Graded: Students who pass the course will receive a signed Statement of Accomplishment.

Description: This hands-on course will prepare students to turn ideas into financially viable ventures. It will cover accounting analysis at the four stages of the entrepreneurial cycle: Development; testing, feasibility and planning; launch; and scaling, growing, and sustaining. Through case studies, videos, exercises and interactive discussions, students will understand how to “test the financial feasibility of a new opportunity, test its financial impact, develop a financially credible business plan, and examine the financial consequences of proposed actions.”

Review: No Reviews.

Additional Note: The instructors assume participants have a basic understanding of accounting terms and concepts, though remedial resources will be available.