Best Free MOOCs In Business For February


Supply Chain Fundamentals

School: MIT

Platform: EdX

Registration Link: CLICK HERE

Start Date: February 10, 2106 (14 Weeks Long)

Workload: 8-10 Hours Per Week

Instructor: Chris Caplice

Credentials: Dr. Caplice teaches logistics and supply management at MIT, ranked #1 (graduate) and #2 (undergraduate) in this field. He oversees the MIT Freight Lab, which researches ways to improve the design and management of freight transportation. He also manages the MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics and MIT’s Global SCALE Network. Caplice, who holds a Ph.D. from the University of Texas, also serves as the chief scientist for Chainalytics, a supply chain consulting firm.

Graded: Students can earn a Certificate of Achievement by completing all coursework. However, they can also audit the course to access to all course materials.

Description: This covers the underlying tools and techniques inherent to designing and managing supply chains. In particular, the course covers consumer demand forecasting, inventory control, and transportation management. The course is taught from a managerial perspective, with special emphasis on increasing speed, cutting costs, and avoiding surpluses.

Review: “This course was rigorous and challenging. I spent as many as 10 hours on average to learn the concepts and do the quizzes on a weekly basis. The quality was high (up to my expectation of a MIT course). You should have Excel skill before taking this course, so I recommend Data Analysis to the Max, an edX course taught by DelfX.” For additional reviews, click here.

Additional Notes: Students should come with a basic understanding of statistics, calculus, and probability.

This is the first in a series of courses that will enable students to earn a MicroMaster’s Credential in Supply Chain Management. By successfully completing all requirements (and sitting for a proctored exam), students will be “qualified to apply to gain credit at MIT for the blended graduate master’s degree program.”