MBA Watch | Complete Candidate Profiles

MBA Watch is where thousands of MBA applicants not only get to tell their story but have John A. Byrne, MBA admissions coaches from Fortuna Admissions, The MBA Exchange, & Admissionado, and our audience, assess their odds of admission and get help to improve their chances of getting in! Submit the basic details of your likely application, including GMAT or GRE score and GPA, along with your target business schools and get input on your candidacy from the Poets&Quants network.

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Experts & P&Q Assessors, click on a profile below to weigh in on candidate odds or filter through all the profiles to read the odds of others.

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Candidate Name Top Choice School Industry
Mr. Sustainable Banker Cambridge Judge Banking & Finance
Ms. Future Tech IB Duke Fuqua Banking & Finance
Ms. Indian Specialist Doctor INSEAD Healthcare
Mr. Oil & Gas (Deferred) Chicago Booth Power / Energy
Mr. Texas 5ever MIT Sloan Venture Capital
Mr. Too Old? Stanford GSB CPG
Ms. International Entrepreneur Columbia Retail
Mr. Looking Berkeley Haas Banking & Finance
Mr. Renewable Energy Stanford GSB Power / Energy
Mr. GR INSEAD Power / Energy
Mr. B2B Sales Champ Yale CPG
Mr. Eagerness London Business School Venture Capital
Mr. Mid-Career Entrepreneur Tepper Technology
Mr. Energy Trader HEC Paris Technology
Mr. Education Non Profit Harvard Consulting
Ms. Community Engagement Harvard Banking & Finance
Mr. Indian In Tech (Deferred) Wharton Technology
Mr. Future Social FinTech MIT Sloan Banking & Finance
Mr. Politics Turned Tech Harvard Consulting
Mr. Indian Engineer Guitarist Foster School of Business Banking & Finance
Mr. Dr Global INSEAD Healthcare
Mr. IT Risk Wants To Take An Entrepreneurial Risk Wharton Banking & Finance
Ms. Global Impact Harvard Nonprofit / B-Corp
Ms. PE From Prague (Deferred) Wharton Banking & Finance
Mr. Internal Auditor Duke Fuqua Technology
Mr. TikTok Entrepreneur Stanford GSB Marketing
Mr. Software Developer Stanford GSB Technology
Ms. Ambitious (Audit To Agribusiness) Columbia Agriculture
Mr. Policy Consultant Harvard Government / Military
Mr. DRM Said Business School Technology
Mr. Soccer Dad Ross Banking & Finance
Mr. Chinese Finance Guy Wharton Banking & Finance
Ms. Professional Storyteller NYU Stern Healthcare
Mr. Middle Office Paul Yale Banking & Finance
Mr. Ross QRC OMBA Test Waiver Guy Ross Government / Military
Mr. Political Consultant Improving Public Welfare Berkeley Haas Consulting
Mr. Military Leader Kellogg SOM Government / Military
Mr. Mexican Fintech/Agtech MIT Sloan Agriculture
Mr. Rating Agency Dude Cornell Johnson Banking & Finance
Mr. Psychoanalysis Cornell Johnson Consulting
Ms. Public Service To B-school Yale Government / Military
Ms. Renaissance Lady Columbia Banking & Finance
Mr. Tim Cook Of Seafood MIT Sloan Consulting
Mr. Team Builder Kellogg SOM Banking & Finance
Mr. Future Luxury Hotel Area Manager INSEAD Other
Mr. Missed The Boat? Harvard Banking & Finance
Ms. Medical Doctor Yarn Artist Georgetown McDonough Healthcare
Ms. Cricket Captain Dentist Harvard Healthcare
Mr. Kellogg Hopeful Kellogg SOM Real Estate
Mr. Indian Sustainability Consultant Harvard Consulting
Mr. Financial Consulting At McKinsey Wharton Banking & Finance
Mr. Stella Artois Marketing Manager Harvard Marketing
Mr. I Can Do It Kenan-Flagler Engineering
Mr. High School Teacher To EduTech Columbia Education
Ms. Sustainability-Focused Consultant Harvard Consulting
Mr. CFA With Sustainable Investing Dreams Columbia Banking & Finance
Mr. Solutions Consultant Stanford GSB Engineering
Mr. Research To Banking Chicago Booth Banking & Finance
Mr. Data Analytics Consultant & Educator Stanford GSB Consulting
Mr. Bain Consultant Wharton Engineering
Mr. Industry Pivot Kellogg SOM Banking & Finance
Mr. AI Tech Consulting Chicago Booth Technology
Mr. Sports BI Analyst Cambridge Judge Technology
Mr. Athletic Banker Duke Fuqua Banking & Finance
Mr. Disgruntled Academic NYU Stern Banking & Finance
Mr. Technocrat Investor (Deferred) Stanford GSB Technology
Ms. Ad Agency Co-Founder Columbia Consulting
Mr. Slacker Rice Business Accounting
Mr. Non-Traditional Tuck Banking & Finance
Mr. Low GPA Urban Farmer Duke Fuqua Marketing
Ms. Consultant Focused On Social Impact Harvard Consulting
Ms. Hopeful Tech Enthusiast Yale Technology
Mr. Christian Banker Darden Banking & Finance
Mr. Coast Guard Harvard Government / Military
Ms. Biotech Without A PhD Columbia Healthcare
Mx. Top Tech PM MIT Sloan Technology
Ms. Product Strategy Duke Fuqua Technology
Mr. Corporate Development Chicago Booth Technology
Mr. Fintech Industrial Engineer UCLA Anderson Banking & Finance
Mr. Medical Sales Consultant Owen Graduate School of Management Healthcare
Mr. Infantry Commander Harvard Government / Military
Mr. Transitioning Army Engineer Harvard Government / Military
Mr. Future Consultant Connections Georgetown McDonough Government / Military
Mr. The Dolphin Tuck Government / Military
Mr. Self-Taught In Tech Wharton Technology
Ms. Management Consultant In Consumer Products IU Kelley Retail
Ms. Senior Financial Analyst Georgetown McDonough Banking & Finance
Mr. Musician Tuck Other
Mr. GI Joe Ross Government / Military
Mr. Low GPA Ex-MBB Harvard Banking & Finance
Mr. Overrepresented MBB Consultant (2+2) Harvard Consulting
Mr. International Analyst Harvard Government / Military
Mr. Family Luxury Startup Wharton Retail
Mr. Singles Tennis Champ Columbia Consulting
Mr. International Analytics Product Manager NYU Stern Technology
Ms. Indian Lawyer Darden Law
Mr. Big Navy Guy Yale Government / Military
Mr. Biomedical Engineer Chicago Booth Healthcare
Ms. Latam Heart Stanford GSB Banking & Finance
Ms. Fashion-Techie Harvard Technology